5 Things to Know if Revelation Scares You

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5 Things to Know if Revelation Scares You
Jennifer Slattery

God doesn't want us to live in fear. To the contrary. He directed His servant John to write the letter in order to encourage ancient believers during a time of intense persecution. Through it, God reminded them, and by extension, us, of powerful truths able to build our hope-filled anticipation of all that is to come. 

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5 Ways You May Be Ruining Your Child's Life
Arlene Pellicane

There are five parenting traps that many well-intentioned modern parents fall into without even knowing it.

What Questions Should We Be Asking Right Now?
Bill Mowry

It's time to ask some questions. However, not everyone is comfortable asking or answering questions. Look at how politicians or teachers squirm when asked a question they're unprepared to answer. Question asking is important. The dilemma is which questions should we ask.

Should I Attend a Gay Wedding?
Dr. Roger Barrier

I've loved my niece her whole life and care about her partner. If I attend their marriage, however, I feel I'm lying by showing support for an unholy union. And if I don't attend, future relations may be forever damaged. Please help us sort this out.

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