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Lotto and God: Can a Christian Buy a Lottery Ticket?
Dr. Roger Barrier

Is it a sin to purchase a lottery ticket? Dr. Roger tackles the subject of gambling.

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4 Prayers When You Are in Need of God's Deliverance
Aaron Brown

If the past year represents a season of hardship for you that is still not over, here are some prayers. Prayers for loneliness, fear, sickness – even loss. May these words grant you or someone you know peace, comfort, and the reassuring reminder that God is present.

What the George Floyd Trial Reveals to Us about Justice
Russell Moore

We can thank God for the accountability rendered in this case. Even as we are glad for justice done, we should weep for injustices still at work, and for a life that is still gone.

10 Things God's Voice Will Never Say to You
Aretha Grant

When I was a new Christian, hearing and knowing God’s voice were the two things I struggled the most with. We can grow to learn and discern God’s voice by studying the Holy Scriptures, praying, and asking God to teach us. To help us more correctly discern His voice, here are ten things God’s voice will never say to us.

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